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BookTok Craze: How TikTok is Revolutionizing Your Next Read


BookTok Craze: How TikTok is Revolutionizing Your Next Read

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Uzone.id — For someone who nearly spent hours a day on TikTok, you must be familiar with this trend, ever heard of “BookTok”? If you’re not familiar with and want to know about this trend, then this article is for you.

In the world of viral content, there is a corner called BookTok, this virtual space is where influencers are gathering to make reading cool again. 

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These influencers–or you can call them BookTokers are talking about books, recommendations, and reviews through short videos. They’re turning reading into a viral trend.

The term BookTok itself comes from  “book” and “TikTok,” and began as a trend where avid readers shared their reading recommendations, favorite books, and reviews through short, engaging videos.

Started as casual sharing, this trend quickly snowballed into a viral phenomenon. Today, BookTok boasts millions of dedicated followers, with hashtags like #BookTok and #BookChallenge generated billions of views.

Based on Words Rate, TikTok estimates that the BookTok hashtag had over 181.7 billion views in September 2023 and they described it as “one of our most active communities”.

BookTok is getting more popular year by year. Instead of formal reviews, you’ll get honest opinions and exciting summaries that make you want to read the books yourself. It’s like getting book recommendations from your friends. That’s what makes BookTok is loved by many.

“From spotlighting little-known authors and genres to introducing the classics to a new generation, #BookTok has helped to reignite a passion for literature,” said James Stafford, head of partnerships and community at TikTok.

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He also said, “It’s been amazing to see #BookTok grow into a truly global phenomenon, which is having a profound impact on the literary world.”

BookTok isn’t just about fun and trends, it is already more than that though. They have power and big impacts that affect how books are sold and talked about. When a BookToker recommends a book, it often becomes a bestseller because so many people want to read it.

Even TikTok makes a real-life event and describes it as a new way for the “vibrant community” of book fans on the app to “share their love of reading”. It is the first time for a social media platform to formally get involved in creating a challenge into something like this.

These trendy movements show that everyone’s voices are heard and make an impact in the world of books. BookTok is also helping new or underrated authors get the attention they deserve. 

Book influencers use their platform to discuss interesting stories by diverse authors, pushing attention to authors who might not get as much spotlight as others.

It’s not BookTok when you don’t do BookTok challenges. These challenges are designed to make readers passionate about reading in creative and interactive ways. The top 2 popular reading challenges are:

30 Days Reading Challenge: Booktok enthusiast are challenged to read a book a day for 30 days ahead, they should share their progress and reviews in daily updates.

Genre Switch Challenge: Readers are asked to step out of their comfort zones by switching their favorite genre books with a fellow BookToker. Of course, BookTok isn’t always fun and positive. 

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Some people might worry that it’s more about trends than real discussion, and making some books overrated. But despite these concerns, BookTok shows how social media can make reading fun and attractive and tells everyone that it can be–and always be a cool habit. It’s not just about sharing books, it’s about changing how we think about books.

Through this phenomenon, BookTok influencers are making a big impact on how we read and discover books today—that’s how social media works for social movements. They’re showing that social media isn’t just for entertainment; it’s also a powerful tool for bringing people together around stories and ideas.

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